Industrial robotics has developed since 1960’s to be one of the key technologies in automation. It is widely used in manufacturing and other industrial sectors too, being a constantly growing business. Industrial robots are a very effective tool to improve productivity in a huge variety of different applications.
This book aims at giving a pragmatic overview of the latest industrial robotics technologies. We wish to enable the reader to understand the basics to start their journey into the fascinating world of industrial robotics. We look at the industrial robot as a tool for solving manufacturing challenges. Deep mathematical theory is kept to a minimum. Instead, we try to cover the basics needed to choose the right robot for a given application, accompany it with right tools and devices and program it effectively. You can read this book without any background in robotics.
We translated our original Finnish book Teollisuuden robotiikka so we look at robotics from the Finnish perspective. Our approach is quite oriented to High-Mix Low-Volume, as are the majority of the industrial robotics applications in Finland. We hope this approach and our insights compensates for the possible flaws in the grammar. In any case, you are holding on your hands (or screen) the first industrial robotics book written in genuine Rally English! Enjoy!
The book topics are broadened on the Internet where you can find more detailed information and for example narrated videos of different robot applications with English subtitles.
Note! This book is not currently available as a printed version. If you are interested in getting a printed version, please email Suomen Robotiikkayhdistys <>. If preliminary interest is high, we consider printing this book too.
The Industrial Robot Book will become available in Ellibs online bookstore.